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Business and Economic Briefing | 29 May 2019

Hosted by SMBC Bank EU AG at their Dublin office, and in partnership with  JETRO London and Ireland Japan Association, the Business and Economic Briefing took place on Wednesday, 29th May 2019.

The briefing was designed to provide attendees with latest insights into Japan-EU relationship, current economic situation and business opportunities.

Presentation ‘Japan-EU Relationship, Economic Outlook & Business Opportunities’  was given by Takumi Fujino, Director General, JETRO London. In his presentation he reviewed Japan-EU EPA and its advantages, improvements to the market between EU and Japan as well as investment and development opportunities.

With a better environment for investment in EU as a result of the Japan-EU EPA, more and more Japanese companies are planning to expand business cooperation in the EU.

Satoshi Okagawa, SMBC Senior Global Markets Analyst, and Sujin Lim, Vice President, SMBC Bank EU AG, Treasury Department introduced attendees to presentation ‘European Crisis Again?’ providing great insight into current situation of the global economy, financial market trends and development.

Briefing was followed by informal networking and refreshments.

We would like to thank all guest speakers, attendees of the briefing and SMBC Bank EU AG for their support and hosting this event in Dublin.

Photos: SMBC Bank EU AG

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