Tag Archive for: Education

Rotary Peace Fellowships | Apply Now!

Each year, the Rotary Peace Fellowship programme offers 50 fully-funded scholarships for Masters studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution to people in the early stages of their career and 80 fully-funded scholarships for Certificate studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution for people in mid-career.
Through academic training, practice, and global networking opportunities, the Rotary Peace Centers program develops the capacity of peace and development professionals to become effective catalysts for peace. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study expenses.
Since the program began in 2002, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,700 fellows who now work in over 140 countries. Many serve as leaders in governments; NGOs; education and research institutions; peacekeeping and law enforcement agencies; and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.

Master’s degree programs

Accepted candidates study peace and development issues with research-informed teaching and a diverse student body. The programs last 15 to 24 months and include a two- to three-month field study, which participants design themselves.

Learn more!


Professional development certificate program

During the one-year blended learning program, experienced peace and development professionals with diverse backgrounds gain practical skills to promote peace within their communities and regions. Fellows complete field studies and design and carry out a social change initiative. This program is intended for working professionals. Fellows earn a post-graduate diploma upon completion of the program.

Learn more!


Application timeline

The Rotary Peace Fellowship application is now open!

The 2025-26 Rotary Peace Fellowship application is available online through 15 May 2024.

If you know a potential candidate, use our referral form so they can receive more information.


For more information: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/peace-fellowships





A mini-seminar ‘Rotary Peace Centres’ on Tuesday, 19th March, will provide the opportunity to hear about the programme through presentations, discussion and Q&A. To register, please contact: ingrid.berget@gmail.com.



EU-Japan News | March 2023 Issue Available Now

EU-Japan NEWS is the quarterly newsletter of the EU-Japan Centre launched in 2003 and containing EU-Japan-related news and features on topics of interest to EU and Japan businesses and public bodies.

The newest issue of the March 2023 Newsletter is available in an online and PDF version packed with the EU and Japan related news, partnering opportunities, network news and lots of other useful information and links.

In this issue, you will find:
* Centre’s news: pages 1-8
* EU news: page 9-10
* Japan news: page 11
* EU-Japan news: pages 12-19
* Enterprise Europe Network opportunities: pages 20
* Calendar: page 21


EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is a unique venture between the European Commission and the Japanese government. It is a non-profit organisation established as an affiliate of the Institute of International Studies and Training (IIST). It aims at promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan and at improving EU and Japanese companies’ competitiveness and cooperation by facilitating exchanges of experience and know-how between EU and Japanese businesses.

You can read full March 2023 Newsletter online here!

You can read full March 2023 Newsletter in PDF format here!

Say Yes to Languages | Language Sampler Module 2022/23 | APPLY NOW

Last month, the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, announced an extension of the “Say Yes to Languages” primary languages sampler module for a further year and invited primary schools to apply to participate in the module.

The length of the module in 2022/23 will be increased from 6 to 8 weeks. The grant to schools participating will also be increased to €400 per class up to a maximum of €1,600.

The module is aimed at 3rd to 6th class and the school can select the language of choice depending on its demographic and school context.

The 2022/23 module could be used to support the integration of newly arrived Ukrainian pupils to our schools by acknowledging Ukrainian as one of the languages of the classroom or by choosing to teach Ukrainian for the duration of the module.


Photo: languagesconnect.ie


Languages selected in 21/22 included French, Spanish, ISL, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Arabic, Tamil and Portuguese.

The primary language sampler module can be delivered by either the class teacher in the school or by an individual identified by the school as a suitable tutor (for example, a language teacher/ foreign language assistant in a local post-primary school or a member of the community who is fluent in the chosen language, for example, a parent, who meets the scheme’s criteria).

Training for the teacher/ tutor will be provided by Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) which will also provide all the necessary resources and supports to the schools delivering the module. Further information on the resources are available on the Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) website.

Further details on the module are available in a circular.

How to apply: Schools can apply to participate in the module in 2022/23 here.

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 5pm on 11 May 2022.

Dr. and Mrs. Ushioda Scholarship | Post-scholarship report by Sophia Herar

We are delighted to let you know that Sophia Herar, Dr. and Mrs. Ushioda Scholarship recipient in 2019, has returned from Japan where she studied at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
Studying abroad is a unique, unforgettable experience and we are happy that Sophia had this wonderful opportunity not only to study in Japan but also to explore the country, experience Japan’s authentic culture and make new friendships. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, Sophia’s stay in Japan was cut short but she would like to express her gratitude for the support and wonderful year abroad to Mrs. Ushioda and the IJA.
‘I prepared for so many eventualities, and yet the most memorable moments were the ones I could have never anticipated. Traveling abroad for a year undoubtedly poses more challenges than anyone can prepare for, but they make the joyous moments all the more worth living.’ – Sophia Herar 

Sophia Herar and Mrs. Yoshiko Ushioda, IJA founder member and Scholarship Patron at the official presentation of the scholarship (August 2019).

If you would like to read about Sophia’s experience in Japan, her full post-scholarship essay is available on the IJA website here!

Sophia and her friends on a hiking trip from Kibuneguchi to Kurama


First time wearing a traditional Kimono

Dr. and Mrs. Ushioda Scholarship was established in 2019 in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Ushioda’s major contribution to the development of the Ireland Japan Association and Ireland-Japan relations, and to underpin the association’s strong commitment to supporting Japanese studies in Ireland.

FREE Japanese lunchtime conversation group meetings

We are delighted to have partnered with Trinity Centre for Asian Studies and bring you FREE Japanese lunchtime conversation group meetings to give you a chance to improve your Japanese conversational skills in casual environment.

These weekly meetings will take place every Thursday from 1-2 p.m. at the TCAS Seminar Room 2011 (Arts Building Annex) in TCD. First meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 14th November.

This weekly group will allow Japanese learners of all levels to develop their conversation skills in a casual, lunchtime environment. Feel free to bring your lunch and find some new conversation partners at the same time!

No previous registration is needed and everybody is welcome.

We would like to thank Verity Swan, IJA Council, and everybody at Trinity Centre for Asian Studies for their support in organizing this group.

Robots in Education, Healthcare and Welfare. Recent Trends in Japan. | Seminar

Experience Japan and UCD Japan are inviting you to a seminar ‘Robots in Education, Healthcare and Welfare. Recent Trends in Japan.’ presented by Prof. Nobuhiro Sakata (Dokkyo Medical University, Japan).

Event will take place on Friday, 5th April at 1.30 p.m. at Bank of Ireland, Montrose Branch, Dublin.

For more details, please click HERE!

Tag Archive for: Education

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