Tag Archive for: Akiko Sato

Japan’s Far More Female Future | Online Book Launch Event

Join Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute‘s panel discussion to mark the launch of Journalist Bill Emmott’s latest book ‘Japan’s Far More Female Future – Increasing Gender Equality and Reducing Workplace Insecurity Will Make Japan Stronger’ (2020).

Date: Tuesday, 1st December 2020
Time: 7-8 PM
Registration is required: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bi1LvJRQQ6WEXvxJ4H-u-w 

In addition to a presentation by Bill Emmott, guest speakers include: A recorded video conversation between Bill and Ambassador Mari Miyoshi, Japanese Ambassador to Dublin 2015-18, who features in the book as being the most senior woman in the Japanese diplomatic service; two panelists, Helen Macnaughton, Senior Lecturer in International Business and Management, SOAS University of London and Akiko Sato, market advisor at Enterprise Ireland. The evening will be chaired by Prof Eve Patten, Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub.

About Japan’s Far More Female Future
Japan’s socio-economic postwar history has been largely male dominated, and still women occupy a much smaller share of leadership positions than in other rich countries. However this reflects a wide gender inequality in tertiary education in the generations now holding or entering leadership positions. Beginning in the 1990s, female access to higher education converged dramatically with that of males, reflecting changing family and social attitudes, which promises to help Japan converge with European experience during the 2020s and 2030s. Through analysis of such trends and policy options, combined with interviews with 21 female role models from business to the arts, Bill Emmott takes an optimistic look at how Japan can achieve greater social justice and sustainable prosperity for the future, helping it to adapt to an ageing and declining population.

For more information and to register for this event: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bi1LvJRQQ6WEXvxJ4H-u-w