Tag Archive for: Bank of Ireland

Cpl team wins the IJA Ishikawa Golf Cup 2024

The IJA Annual Golf Outing 2024 tournament took place on 5th September at the beautiful Foxrock Golf Club, Dublin.
We would like to congratulate the Cpl Team, winners of the IJA Golf Outing 2024! The Ishikawa Cup was presented to the winning team by Catherine Grennell-Whyte, IJA Chairperson and Norimasa Yoshida, Deputy Head of the Mission at the Embassy of Japan.

L-R: Cpl Team captain Stephen Mullin, Catherine Grennell-Whyte, IJA Chairperson and Norimasa Yoshida, Deputy Head of the Mission at the Embassy of Japan.

Iskikawa Cup 2024 winners: Cpl Team
Stephen Mullin
Johnnie O’Connor
Ian Sparling
Tom Fitzgerald
2nd and 3rd places were awarded to NTT Data (Team 1) and NTT Data (Team 2). Big thanks to all the teams from Bank of Ireland, Dillon Eustace, ElectroRoute, Mitsubishi Electric, and NTT DATA, Inc. for joining us this year and making the tournament a great success.
We would also like to thank our amazing hosts – Foxrock Golf Club – for their fantastic hospitality and the IJA Council members and event team who helped to organise this event: Catherine Grennell-Whyte, Neil Cowhey, Raymond Hegarty and Verity Swan.
A special thanks go to our generous prize sponsors:

Bank of Ireland FDI team wins the IJA Ishikawa Golf Cup 2023

The IJA Annual Golf Outing 2023 tournament took place on 4th September at the beautiful Foxrock Golf Club, Dublin.



We would like to thank all the teams who supported us and participated in the tournament this year, and we send special congratulations to the winners – Bank of Ireland FDI team – who came first and won the IJA Ishikawa Cup in 2023!



Many thanks to all participants of the tournament this year: Bank of Ireland, Cpl Resources, Dillon Eustace, ElectroRoute, Mitsubishi Electric and Suntory.

A very special thanks goes to our tournament sponsors – K&L Gates Ireland.



We would like to thank IJA Council members and event team who helped to organise this event: Stephen Mullin and Catherine Grennell-Whyte.

We would like to thank our prize sponsors, the IJA Council and Finnair/ATTS, our hosts and team at the Foxrock Golf Club for all the help and support before and during our event, and last but not least – all our event participants who joined us on this day and made it such a great success.

We are looking forward to our Golf Outing 2024 tournament next year!





IJA Annual Dinner 2022 | Photo Gallery

On 17th June the IJA members, friends, and supporters came together to celebrate and enjoy one of our biggest events of the year – the IJA Annual Dinner 2022. This year it took place at one of the most beautiful Dublin venues – Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel.


The evening began with Sake reception, kindly supported by our corporate member – Retro Vino Wine & Sake. Reception was followed by welcome words from Catherine Grennell-Whyte, Master of Ceremonies, and after that guests enjoyed a delicious 3-course meal in the beautiful Le Panto Suite.


Catherine Grennell-Whyte, Finnair/ATTS, Master of Ceremonies


Speeches were given by Raymond Hegarty, IJA Chairperson and Mr. Makoto Honda, Counsellor, DHM, Embassy of Japan.



Prize Giving this year was sponsored by the IJA Corporate members – Bank of Ireland, Cpl Resources, Dillon EustaceKWE Ireland, Retro Vino, Unique Japan Tours and Yamamori. The Grand Prize this year was sponsored by Finnair, IJA 2022 Travel Partner, and we would like to congratulate the lucky winner who received 2 return flights to Japan.


Grand prize winner received 2 tickets to Japan from Finnair/ATTS.


It was great to see everyone back together after so long. We are happy for you attending the event and look forward to seeing you again in coming events. – Tsugumi Yamamoto, IJA Vice Chairperson


We would like to thank all our members and friends who attended the IJA Annual Dinner this year, and special thanks go to our 2022 Travel Partner – Finnair, and all our Corporate members for their continued support and very generous prizes.

We would also like to thank Dublin School for Japanese Children who made beautiful origami decorations for our dinner guests, and to Mrs. Tomoko Ozaki who created Ikebana flower arrangements for the event. Huge thanks to the event team at the Radisson Blu St. Helen’s Hotel for being great hosts and providing excellent service during our event.

We would like to thank Catherine Grennell- Whyte, Master of Ceremonies, and our event team and volunteers from the IJA Council – Raymond Hegarty, Tsugumi Yamamoto, Darina Slattery, Laura Goonan, Jonathan Kelly, Hiro Ino and Eddie Hughes – for their time, support and help to make this year’s event such a great success.

More photos from the IJA Annual Dinner 2022 are in the photo gallery below. Please click on the image to enlarge it.


Photos: Kevin O’Neill, Laura Goonan, Darina Slattery, Eddie Hughes, Raymond Hegarty and Jonathan Kelly 

Mitsubishi Electric team wins IJA Golf Outing Cup 2021

The IJA Annual Golf Outing 2021 tournament took place on 13th September at the beautiful Foxrock Golf Club, Dublin.

We would like to thank all the teams who supported us and participated in the tournament, and send special congratulations to the winners – Mitsubishi Electric team who came first and won the IJA Golf Cup 2021 this year with a score of 55.6:

Ciaran Moody
Fergus Daly
Liam Hoctor
Brendan Clarke

Mitsubishi Electric team receiving the IJA Golf Cup 2021 from Raymond Hegarty, IJA Chairperson

Congratulations to 2nd and 3rd place winners:

2nd place – CPL Resources team
Stephen Mullin
TJ Kearns
Fionan O’Sullivan
Tom Kennedy
3rd place – VIOTAS team
Mark Gilsenan
Kevin Brophy
Emeka Chukwureh
Rober Forbes

Many thanks to all the teams who participated in the tournament this year: Dillon Eustace, Mitsubishi Electric, Bank of Ireland, VIOTAS, SMBC Aviation Capital, CPL Resources and A&L Goodbody.

We would like to thank everybody who helped to organize this event: IJA Council members Stephen Mullin, Darina Slattery and Raymond Hegarty, IJA Chairperson.

Big thanks goes to all the teams who sponsored amazing prizes for the prize-giving ceremony.

We are thankful to our hosts at the Foxrock Golf Club for all the help and support before and during our event, and last but not least – our thanks goes to all the participants who joined us on this day and made it such a great success.

We are looking forward to our Golf Outing 2022 next year!

IJA Annual Dinner 2020

30th IJA Annual Dinner | Photo Gallery

On 14th February the IJA members, friends, and supporters came together to celebrate and enjoy one of our biggest events of the year – 30th IJA Annual Dinner 2020. This year it took place at one of the most beautiful and iconic Dublin venues – The Shelbourne Hotel.

The evening began with Sake reception, kindly supported by Embassy of Japan in Ireland and our corporate member – Retro Sake. Reception was followed by speeches from Ms Darina Slattery, IJA Chairperson, Mr Peter Sherrard, CEO of Olympic Federation of Ireland and H.E. Mr Mitsuru Kitano, Ambassador of Japan in Ireland.

Darina Slattery, IJA Chairperson

Peter Sherrard, CEO of Olympic Federation of Ireland

H.E. Mr Mitsuru Kitano, Ambassador of Japan in Ireland

IJA Annual Dinner 2020

Read here: Ambassador Kitano’s full speech at the IJA Annual Dinner 2020.

The guests enjoyed a delicious 3-course dinner in the beautiful Great Room followed by Prize Giving sponsored by the IJA Corporate members – AIB, ANABank of IrelandDillon EustaceKWE Ireland, Mitsubishi Electric, Retro Sake, SuMi TRUSTUnique Japan Tours and Yamamori. The Grand Prize this year was 2 return flights to Japan sponsored by Finnair, IJA 2020 Travel Partner.


(Please click on the images to enlarge)

Photo gallery in video format can be viewed here!



We would like to thank everyone who attended the IJA Annual Dinner this year. Special thanks go to our Patron member – AIB, our Travel Partner – Finnair, and all our Corporate members for their continued support and very generous prizes.

Our thanks go to the Dublin School for Japanese Children who made all the beautiful origami decorations for the dinner tables and to Mrs Tomoko Ozaki who created a wonderful Ikebana flower arrangement for the event. We would also like to thank The Shelbourne Hotel for hosting our event and providing excellent service before and during the dinner.

We would like to thank our Master of Ceremonies – Mr Raymond Hegarty, and our event team and volunteers – Mr Donagh Morris, Mr Graham Ryan, Ms Paula Kelly, Ms Tsugumi Yamamoto and Mr Yasuyuki Ozeki  – for their time, support and help to make this year’s event such a great success.

Photos/Video: Donagh Morris

Mitsubishi Electric team wins IJA Golf Outing Cup 2019

Annual IJA Golf Outing took place on 27th June at the the beautiful Castle Golf Club in Rathfarnham, Dublin.

We would like to thank all the teams who participated in the tournament and send special congratulations to the winners – Mitsubishi Electric team who won the IJA Golf Cup 2019 this year:

Ciaran Moody 
Fergus Daly 
Liam Hoctor 
Brendan Clarke 

Photo: Mitsubishi Electric

Many thanks to all the teams who participated in the tournament this year: Dillon Eustace, AIB, Bank of Ireland and SuMi Trust.

We would like to thank everybody who helped to organize this event: IJA Council members Shane Geraghty, Eoghan Howe and Darina Slattery.

Big thanks goes to IJA Council member Neil Maher and Mitsubishi Electric for providing goody bags to all participants, and many thanks to all the teams who sponsored prizes for prize-giving.

We are thankful to our hosts at the Castle golf club for all the help and support before and during our event, and last but not least – our thanks goes to all the participants who joined us on this day and made it such a great success.

We are looking forward to our Golf Outing 2020 next year!

Robots in Education, Healthcare and Welfare. Recent Trends in Japan. | Seminar

Experience Japan and UCD Japan are inviting you to a seminar ‘Robots in Education, Healthcare and Welfare. Recent Trends in Japan.’ presented by Prof. Nobuhiro Sakata (Dokkyo Medical University, Japan).

Event will take place on Friday, 5th April at 1.30 p.m. at Bank of Ireland, Montrose Branch, Dublin.

For more details, please click HERE!

IJA Annual Dinner 2019 brings together IJA members, friends and supporters

Each year, IJA Annual Dinner brings together our members, friends, and supporters to celebrate and enjoy one of the biggest and most enjoyable events of the year.

The evening began with a reception at The Westbury Hotel, Dublin, followed by speeches by Ms Darina Slattery, IJA Chairperson, H.E. Mrs Mari Miyoshi, Ambassador of Japan in Ireland, Mr Mark Egan, Head of Competitions and Performance, and Ms Catherine Grennell-Whyte, Finnair.

The guests enjoyed a delicious 3-course dinner in the beautiful Grafton Suite which was followed by Prize Giving sponsored by IJA Corporate members – AIB, A&L Goodbody, ANA, Bank of Ireland, Dillon Eustace, KWE Ireland, PM Group, SuMi TRUST, Unique Japan Tours and Yamamori. The Grand Prize this year was 2 return flights to Japan sponsored by Finnair, IJA 2019 Travel Partner.

(Please click on the images to enlarge)

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Annual Dinner, our Corporate members for supporting this event and sponsoring amazing prizes. Big thanks to our Patron member – AIB – for continuous support and our Travel Partner – Finnair – for sponsoring the Grand Prize.

Our thanks go to the Dublin School for Japanese Children who made all the beautiful origami decorations for the dinner tables and to Mrs Tomoko Ozaki who created wonderful Ikebana flower arrangements for the event. We are thanking the Embassy of Japan who provided Japanese sake for the event reception, and The Westbury Hotel for hosting our event and providing excellent service before and during the event.

We would like to thank Mr Raymond Hegarty who agreed to undertake MC duties at the event, and our event team – Ms Paula Kelly, Mr Hiro Ino, Mr Donagh Morris and Mr Karl O’Reilly who helped before and after the event, and made sure that everybody can enjoy a wonderful relaxing evening.

Photos: Donagh Morris


Bank of Ireland team wins IJA Golf Outing Cup 2018

Annual IJA Golf Outing took place on 11th October at the stunning Hermitage Golf Course on the banks of the river Liffey.

We would like to thank all the teams who participated in the tournament and send special congratulations to the winners – Bank of Ireland Team!

The list of winners:

1st place & winners of the IJA Golf Cup 2018 – Bank of Ireland Team

  • Dan O’Donnell
  • Liam Marnane
  • Gavin Rylands
  • Ciaran Cash

2nd place – Allied Irish Banks Team

  • Niall Moriarty
  • Aidan Byrne
  • Robert Cooke
  • Kean Gilbert

3rd place – SuMi Trust Team

  • Colm Geary
  • Peter Callaghan
  • Karl McEneff
  • David Carroll

Congratulations also to Uniqe Japan Tours team and Dillon Eustace team for participating in the tournament.

Many thanks to everybody who helped to organize this event, our hosts at the Hermitage golf club and all the participants. Many thanks to KWE Ireland, ANA, Dillon Eustace and BOI for prize sponsorship.

We are looking forward to our Golf Outing 2019 next year!

IJA celebrates its biggest event of the year – Annual Dinner 2018

16th February 2018 was a special day in the calendar of events for Ireland Japan Association as its members and friends came together to celebrate one of the biggest and most anticipated events of the year – IJA Annual Dinner.

Photo: Doylecollection.com

This year the Annual Dinner took place at The Westbury Hotel, one of the most iconic and beautiful locations in Dublin. IJA was delighted to welcome H.E. Mrs. Mari Miyoshi, Ambassador of Japan in  Ireland, and Mr. Nicky Comyn, IRFU Junior Vice President as honorary guests at the event.

On arrival, all dinner guests were treated to a sake reception with compliments from the Embassy of Japan in Ireland.

Event continued with speeches given by Ms. Darina Slattery, IJA Chairperson, H.E. Mrs. Mari Miyoshi, Ambassador of Japan in Ireland, and Mr. Nicky Comyn, IRFU Junior Vice President.

Dinner guests enjoyed a 3 course menu followed by prize giving raffle which was generously sponsored by IJA members. The grand prize this year was 2 return flights to Japan sponsored by Finnair.

IJA would like to thank Council members for their time and hard work helping to make this event such a successful celebration for everybody.

IJA would like to thank Corporate members who supported this event: Finnair, Allied Irish Banks, Bank of Ireland, KWE Ireland, PM Group, Matheson, SuMi Trust, Unique Japan Tours and Yamamori Restaurants.

Big thank you goes also to our friends from Japanese Saturday School in Dublin who made the beautiful origami decorations for the dinner tables and Miss Laura Hegarty for the wonderful ‘Koto’ performance.

IJA Annual Dinner 2018 was one of the 60th Anniversary events commemorating diplomatic relationship between Ireland and Japan.


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